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Planning Board Meeting Minutes
June 10, 2008
1196 Main Street Town Hall

Members Present:        C. Stanovich, D. Lindberg, R. Ricker, C. Prager, O. Lies, Al Bonofiglio

Member Absent:  W. Ritter

Others Present: Pamela Harding, Senior Planner, Debra Sciascia, Recording Secretary

7:30 PM the Planning Board meeting was called to order.

MASTER PLAN PRESENTATION:  Barbara Kohlstrom and Kim Ferguson presented a summary, hard copies of the Master Plan, and a slide show to the Planning Board.

This project took two (2) years to be completed by the sixteen member committee and the consultant.

Barbara Kohlstrom outlined why the master plan was formed, the committee, the consultant, and the planning process.

Kim Ferguson outlined, the visions of the master plan, implementation, implementation recommendations, the phases of the plan, and the committees involved.

The entire Master Plan Committee will return in two (2) weeks to answer Planning Board questions.  This will not be a Public Hearing.  C. Stanovich asked what the next step would be after that.  The MP Committee is asking the Planning Board to accept the plan to satisfy legal requirements.

Joe Giotta explained that the committee’s job was the gathering and filtering of data.

O. Lies believes the board needs more than two weeks to review the master plan.  He was informed that the committee will come back more than once for questions, and as many times as needed.

Tony Seeley, 52 South Road, asked if this document has been to each Board, because other towns review it differently.  He was informed that each Board was involved in putting together only their area chapter, and have not reviewed the entire completed document.  Joe Giotta added that the implementation groups/committees will monitor their section of the document.

Karin Green, 45 Walnut Street, wanted to know how the committee’s priorities were set.  K. Ferguson stated that it was from 2 years of public input and factual data.  The document is available on line, at the library, and the Starbard building.

Susan Ceccacci, 360 Causeway Street, was concerned with a CVS going on Main Street near Rite Aid.  She was informed that there is a big box retail section in the document.

Al Bonofiglio stated that the committee did a good job, and should be thanked.  K. Ferguson will pass that along to the committee.  The agenda item was continued to the next meeting.

April 8, 2008:  R. Ricker motioned to approve.  C. Prager seconded.  All in favor, approved.


Newell Road, Fafard:  A. Bonofiglio recused himself from the meeting.

The loaming and seeding have not been done.  The erosion control barriers have been removed.  Karl Makela, 60 Newell Rd., said that a pile of stakes and some plastic have not been removed yet.

O. Lies thought the Board had asked Faffard to get in touch with DPW regarding the bridge.  The Board discussed the bond.  The Town is responsible for painting, the developer is responsible for loaming & seeding the areas between the road and walkways.  C. Prager asked P. Harding to double check what has been done and to check with DPW.  Karl Makela said that he spoke with the Town Engineer last week and the Town doesn’t have the money to replace the jersey barriers.

R. Ricker asked this to be put on the June 24th agenda.  P. Harding stated there may be money available, that Fafard paid, for the Town to do the work.

Al Bonofiglio returned to the meeting at 8:45 pm.

NEXT MEETING:  June 24, 2008, at 7:00 PM. at the Memorial Town Hall.  The agenda will include a question/answer session with the Master Committee, a Special Permit for a shared driveway, and a Public Hearing at 8 pm for an amendment for Stoneybrook Estates.

C. Prager recommended a handout fact sheet for the public at the June 24th meeting.
D. Lindberg, who is on the Master Plan Committee, said that the people who had input into the plan were just regular everyday people.
O. Lies recommended giving the Landmark a statement regarding the Master Plan process as a public service announcement.  The Board agreed.  The Board was not in agreement, but did come to the decision that the June 24th meeting would not be a public hearing, and the Board would not be accepting public comments.
C. Stanovich and P. Harding will put together a presentation, fact sheet, and posting in the landmark.

Deer Run:  O. Lies asked P. Harding if she heard anything about the Bergeron project and the dust.  She hadn’t heard anything, and there have been no complaints.

C. Prager motioned to adjourn.  R. Ricker seconded.  All in favor.

Adjourned 9:35 PM.

June 10, 2008 minutes approved: September 9, 2008               

Debra A. Sciascia, Recording Secretary